Apart from being a passionate angler himself, a third generation fisherman and a fishing book and tackle collector, Bill is a qualified teacher who before leaving teaching spent many days and nights on a very large number of waters throughout the British Isles.
Having fished on getting on for fifty rivers he has an almost unrivalled experience and ability to ‘read’ the water. In Scotland he has caught salmon from the Borgie in the far north to the Nith in the Borders and has fished and ghillied on over thirty Scottish rivers and countless lochs.

During that time he has been fortunate enough to catch more than his fair share of fish. He has caught trout up to 11lb, night time sea trout of double figures and innumerable salmon into the teens of pounds. He has also coached and ghillied for countless people and has frequently been with them as they hooked their first salmon.
Since leaving teaching Bill has been employed to run a river improvement association and has continued to coach, guide and ghillie. He has taught game fishing and fly-tying both privately and for the local education authority at evening class since 1992, has written the Tourist Board Guide to fishing on the Isle of Man and has contributed articles on many aspects of fishing and conservation to newspapers and magazines including Trout and Salmon, Flyfishing and Fly Tying, Scottish Gamekeeper and Waterlog. He is President of the Manx Game Fishing Club and creator of the Asset salmon fly.
90% of fish are caught by 10% of fishermen. Bill will share with you the enthusiasm, knowledge and skill which goes with nearly forty years experience.

‘Fishermen are not unlike their quarry: they go through stages of evolution. Initially they start off as honest men, but they soon adapt.’