Please see bottom of page for Autumn fishing on the Aberdeenshire Don
Starting salmon fishing is a confusing business.
If you are a beginner you may already know anglers who are kind and well meaning to a novice and very enthusiastic that you should get involved. They happily offer dogmatic and conflicting advice, tell you about experiences which you can not begin to imagine, use words and expressions that mean nothing – and then they wonder why you look baffled. One of them offers to take you fishing, loses patience at the mess you get into and then leaves you alone while they go off and fish by themselves.
This is many peoples rather off-putting introduction to fishing!
Bill is happy to start at square one, does not expect you to ‘get it right’ with just a few minutes instruction and progresses at your pace.
Thirty years of teaching has given him the experience and ability to pass on skills and enthusiasm while incorporating the essentials of the sport.
You will be taught about fishing tackle, knots, flies and/or spinners, different forms of casting including spey and double spey casting depending on conditions and your ability, reading the water, how to play and land a fish, etiquette, conservation, safety…. in fact, what you will need to know to give you the confidence to go fishing by yourself and enjoy catching fish.
All this, while actually fishing and to fitting in with your requirements and arrangements.
And – if your fishing tackle is non existent or inappropriate, Everyman Ghillie Services will provide tackle. Complete quality outfits are available at competitive rates.
‘He is an exceptional instructor’
E.B. Nairn

Some limited availability on the Aberdeenshire Don & Dee in the Autumn
‘First, may I thank you for an excellent weeks fishing…what a beautiful part of the world Aberdeenshire is…I learned a great deal thanks to your excellent tuition.’ (A.B. Course Member)
‘Thank you for an excellent week on the Don…you are a font of information and, as everyone agreed, an excellent instructor.’ (M.K. Course Member)
(There is a story of the instructor of a course who set all his pupils off practising spey casting and decided there was time to pop into the village for two minutes to post a letter. Except that he met people who wanted a word and one thing led to another dram – but when he remembered about the course and got back two hours later, there they were – sore armed and determined, but still casting away….)

‘There is no use your walking five miles to fish when you can depend on being just as unsuccessful nearer home.’
Mark Twain